WELCOME TO BLUSHPAGE.FUN. We (Blushpage) hope you find it useful. By accessing or otherwise interacting with our servers, services, websites, or any associated content/postings (together, "BP"), you agree to these Terms of Use ("TOU") (last updated JULY 9, 2018). You acknowledge and agree BP is a private site owned and operated by Blushpage. If you are accessing or using BP on behalf of a business, that business agrees to the TOU. If you do not agree to the TOU, you are not authorized to use BP. We may modify the TOU at any time in our sole discretion. You are responsible for periodically checking for changes and are bound by them if you continue to use BP. Our privacy policy (blushpage.fun/privacy-policy), and all other policies, site rules, and agreements referenced below or on BP, are fully incorporated into this TOU, and you agree to them as well.
LICENSE. If you agree to the TOU and (1) are of sufficient age and capacity to use BP and be bound by the TOU, or (2) use BP on behalf of a business, thereby binding that business to the TOU, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable license to use BP in compliance with the TOU; unlicensed use is unauthorized. You agree not to display, "frame," make derivative works, distribute, license, or sell, content from BP, excluding postings you create. You grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, unlimited, worldwide, fully paid/sublicensable license to use, copy, display, distribute, and make derivative works from content you post.
USE. Unless licensed by us in a written agreement, you agree not to use or provide software (except general purpose web browsers and email clients) or services that interact or interoperate with BP, e.g. for downloading, uploading, creating/accessing/using an account, posting, flagging, emailing, searching, or mobile use. You agree not to copy/collect BP content via robots, spiders, scripts, scrapers, crawlers, or any automated or manual equivalent (e.g., by hand). Misleading, unsolicited, and/or unlawful postings/communications/accounts are prohibited, as is buying or selling accounts. You agree not to post content that is prohibited by any of BP's policies or rules referenced above ("Prohibited Content"). You agree not to abuse BP's flagging or reporting processes. You agree not to collect BP user information or interfere with BP. You agree we may moderate BP access/use in our sole discretion, e.g., by blocking, filtering, re-categorizing, re-ranking, deleting, delaying, holding, omitting, verifying, or terminating your access/license/account. You agree (1) not to bypass said moderation, (2) we are not liable for moderating or not moderating, and (3) nothing we say or do waives our right to moderate, or not.
LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. You further agree that if you violate the USE section, or you encourage, support, benefit from, or induce others to do so, you will be jointly and severally liable to us for liquidated damages as follows for: (A) collecting/harvesting BP users' information, including personal or identifying information - $1 per violation; (B) publishing/misusing personal or identifying information of a third party in connection with your use of BP without that party's express written consent - $1,000 per violation; (C) misrepresenting your identity or affiliation to anyone in connection with your use of BP - $1,000 per violation; (D) posting or attempting to post Prohibited Content - $4 per violation; (E) posting or attempting to post Prohibited Content in any paid section of BP - the price per post applicable to that section of BP; (F) sending an unauthorized/unsolicited email to an email address obtained from BP - $25 per violation; (G) using BP user information to make/send an unauthorized/unsolicited text message, call, or communication to a BP user - $500 per text/call/communication; (H) creating a misleading or unlawful BP account or buying/selling a BP account - $4 per violation; (I) abusing or attempting to abuse BP's flagging or reporting processes - $1 per violation; (J) distributing any software to facilitate violations of the USE Section - $1,000 per violation; (K) aggregating, displaying, copying, duplicating, reproducing, distributing, or exploiting BP content for any purpose without our express written consent - $3,000 for each day you engage in such violations; (L) requesting, viewing, or accessing more than 1,000 pages of BP in any 24-hour period - $0.25 per page during the 24 hour period after the first 1,000 pages; (M) bypassing or attempting to bypass our moderation efforts - $4 per violation. You agree that these amounts are (1) a reasonable estimate of our damages (as actual damages are often difficult to calculate), (2) not a penalty, and (3) not otherwise limiting on our ability to recover under any legal theory or claim, including statutory damages and other equitable relief (e.g., for spam, we can elect between the above liquidated damages or statutory damages under the anti-spam statute). You further agree that repeated violations of the USE section will irreparably harm and entitle us to injunctive or equitable relief, in addition to monetary damages.
FEES. You authorize us to charge your account for BP fees in paid areas. Fees are non-refundable, even for posts we remove, delay, omit, re-categorize, re-rank, or otherwise moderate. We may refuse any posting.
DISCLAIMER & LIABILITY. To the full extent permitted by law, Blushpage, and its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, affiliates, and successors in interest ("BP Entities") (1) make no promises, warranties, or representations as to BP, including its completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, proprietary, security or reliability; (2) provide BP on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis and any risk of using BP is assumed by you; (3) disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including as to accuracy, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement; and (4) disclaim any liability or responsibility for acts, omissions, or conduct of you or any party in connection with BP. BP Entities are NOT liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or other losses, including lost profits, revenues, data, goodwill, etc., arising from or related to BP, and in no event shall such liability exceed $100 or the amount you paid us in the year preceding such loss. Some jurisdictions restrict or alter these disclaimers and limits, so some may not apply to you.
MISC. Users complying with prior written licenses may access BP thereby until authorization is terminated. Otherwise this is the exclusive and entire agreement between us and you, and our actions or silence toward you or anyone else does not waive, modify, or limit the TOU or our ability to enforce it. The USE, LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, and CLAIMS & INDEMNITY sections survive termination of the TOU, and you will remain bound by those sections. If a TOU term is unenforceable, it shall be limited to the least extent possible and supplemented with a valid provision that best embodies the intent of the parties. The English version of the TOU controls over any translations.